Saturday, October 24, 2009

Drunken Beauty (repost)

(C) 2009

Model: Jesenia Flores
Photographers: Donnie/Sal

Drunken Beauty:
The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life.
--Albert Einstein

Looking at someone with such beauty is merely the outer element of a person. The existing physical mania which beauty can possess is often a fictitious innuendo given off to other people. It is when people actually look at the morality or inner beauty of someone that makes them appear not as what they seem, rather a different person, changing the persons perspective on that individual.

First I would like to say this picture is in no way supposed to give the impression that my sister is a drunk, cos she's not! I would probably say its my fault for not showing this picture with its concept....with that said i also think people should appreciate peoples work and actually try to ask the photographer question.

this picture is supposed to portray how someone with such beauty be so ugly, drunk, and being passed out on the side of the curb.

That said, I recomment analyzing and giving critique to the artist himself
thanks bye =]
